Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mad As Hell? Your Tipping Point Has Arrived…

Let's Talk About You

This is about you.
The little guy.

You work your ass off.
You build your business conservatively.
You watch your cash flow. Keep your debt low. Try your best to keep your business afloat.

You care about your customers. You care about your employees and their families.

You sweat and toil to create a thriving business that can last and contribute to your community and to your country.

Washington Isn't Your Friend

And then you walk in the door at the end of a long day. And turn on the news. And get pissed off as you see another story about how Washington is mucking up the works and making you pay for the misdeeds of politicians, regulators, and overpaid wall-street types. And yes, they call it “remaking the country.”

Why should you bail out the auto companies that were going to go bankrupt anyway?

Why should you bail out the banks and the insurance companies?

Why should you bail out people who made bad loans or took on more debt than they could afford?

Enough's Enough

You’ve heard about it. The backlash against the public healthcare option (say government takeover). The Tea Parties (frustration with high taxes and government overregulation their lives). The groundswell against amnesty for illegal aliens, cap and trade, and the Global Warming Conspiracy (say world government control).

Today’s elections were NOT a Republican revival…but a conservative comeback.

You, and others like you, are fed up with paying for the excesses and back-room-dealings of the beltway boys club.

You want change.

Change you can believe in.

But not the change that shackles you and your great grandchildren to a life of poverty and indentured servitude.

You want change that hands you back the reins. You want a world where you can make a difference. Where the American Dream – of a life lived on your terms is possible. Where true freedom and independence exists. Where if you work your butt off and have a dream, you can achieve ultimate success without government handouts.

Today’s elections show a crack in the foundation of the cradle-to-grave government model.

The Tipping Point Has Arrived!

…Your Future Begins Today.

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