Sunday, October 18, 2009

Your News Media, Legislators and President all Thinks You’re Too Stupid to Understand

These days we hear from Big Government, Big Media, and Big Corporations that we’re too dumb to handle the big decisions facing our country. Whether it is healthcare reform, the economy, or foreign policy.

They continually violate the constitution, erode our rights, and undermine our economy. They put good people out of work and make responsible citizens pay for the misdeeds of others at the top of the food chain.

So tonight I was watching the movie, “With Honors” co-starring Joe Pesci, as Simon Wilder, a homeless man (bum) who, by holding a Harvard student’s (Monty) thesis paper hostage, teaches Monty some things about life.

In one scene, where Simon is sitting in on a class taught by this Monty’s thesis professor, the professor asks if anyone can tell him if the U. S. Constitution prevents the President from becoming like a king. Here was Simon’s response.

Simon Wilder: You asked the question, sir, now let me answer it. The beauty of the Constitution is that it can always be changed. The beauty of the Constitution is that it makes no set law other than faith in the wisdom of ordinary people to govern themselves.

Professor Pitkannan: Faith in the wisdom of the people is exactly what makes the Constitution incomplete and crude.

Simon Wilder: Crude? No, sir. Our "founding parents" were pompous, white, middle-aged farmers, but they were also great men. Because they knew one thing that all great men should know: that they didn't know everything. Sure, they'd make mistakes, but they made sure to leave a way to correct them. The president is not an "elected king," no matter how many bombs he can drop. Because the "crude" Constitution doesn't trust him. He's just a bum, okay Mr. Pitkannan? He's just a bum.

As Congress, the President, Big Media, and Big Corporations all get together to plan our futures for us, remember that we wave the “wisdom of ordinary people to govern themselves” that Simon talked about. We can make a difference.

We can throw the bums out of office. We can let them know what will happen if they pass a bill that mortgages our great grandchildren’s future. We can have an effect. Whether it is the “tea parties” or talk radio or side conversations in the hallways, those in power want to stay there.
And we can use that Achilles heel against them.

The President is not an “elected king” and if he acts like a bum, we can throw the bum out of office when his term expires.

Don’t give up hope, our voices are being heard. Good “change” is imminent. And it isn’t what Big Government, Big Media, and Big Corporations are pushing down our throats.

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